Friday, February 27, 2009

Lamb and goat pictures and video

I've got more pictures than I can efficiently include here. Instead, I've set up a Kodak Gallery page at

We've had some fun with the new video camera too. Come see lambs and goats at play:
Goat kids:
Lambs playing:

What a weekend...

Last weekend was a mess. Saturday went normally and we did a lot of work around the farm. Saturday night the chaos started. First we Alana, then Cindi lambed in succession, with Ethel not far behind. Six lambs in 12 hours - whew.

In the midst of the craziness, a door was left open and Sophia (Emily's indoor cat) got out. We hunted in the evening with no success. Sunday, Sophia remained in hiding in the woods, the furnace died, and the kids' robot caught fire. Sophie returned Sunday night, but by then we were all exhausted.

Monday and Wednesday saw Alissa and Wilma lamb - both had twins.

It's now Friday and we have 14 lambs on the ground. Photos and video are now hosted elsewhere. See my separate blog post.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Saturday night brought 6 lambs in a span of 12 hours. Alana started things off with a flashy pair - one male, one female. As Cathie cleaned them up, she heard the telltale sounds of Cindi under way. Like everybody else this year, Cindi had a one-of-each-sex pair. Not to be outdone by her friends, Ethel dropped a pair of lambs in the middle of the night. Again, one of each sex.

Goats galore!

On Wednesday afternoon, Cherry Blossom gave us an explanation of why she was so big. She had 3 kids - all boys. They were quickly up and about and ready to party, as goats usually are. Mom is milking well after a slow start, so the dairy cycle has begun. We keep a milking goat among the flock to provide a food source in case we get bummer lambs, and because the (human) girls like goats.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lambs on the run

Snowflake and lambs are out and about, and happy to be free from the lambing pens. They've been busy checking out the old ewes and playing with Tourmaline, our yearling ewe who still thinks she's a lamb.

Cherry Blossom is big as a house, and ready to kid any day now.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lambs for Valentines Day

Round 2 of "the sheep don't pay attention to the calendar". We're still at least 5 days away from the first possible lambing day, but guess what we find when we get home from an afternoon out? Aurora has twins - a large, dark girl and a tiny boy who looks like he could be a premature lamb from some other mother. He's been struggling since he's weak and underdeveloped. With some help, he's up and nursing and seems to be hanging in there. The ewe lamb is up, alert, and ready to party.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

First lambs of 2009

Lambing was supposed to start next week, based on what we recorded back in September. That gave us a long weekend to get ready. But the sheep had other plans...

Snowflake kept the family tradition of lambing during one of our rare snow episodes in February. Wednesday afternoon, Mark walked out at lunch to find twins. Thankfully, lambing was uneventful and everybody is doing well.

Welcome to the Swallow Lane Blog

Welcome to our blog. Check here regularly for the latest news from the flock.